Master of Buddhist Counselling
The Master of Buddhist Counselling degree (MBC) is a coursework programme intended for individuals with foundational knowledge in Buddhist Studies who would like to study how Buddhist teachings and practices can enhance modern-day counselling skills. The curriculum is designed to appeal to qualified healthcare and mental health professionals who would like to apply Buddhist teaching-based counselling in their professional work as well as to any interested individuals who aspire to apply Buddhist teaching-based counselling skills to nourish their own daily life and working environment. The degree is awarded through the Faculty of Arts.
Information for MBC Application
The Master of Buddhist Counselling programme offers quality training on Buddhist teaching-based counselling knowledge and skills by means of interdisciplinary learning and contemplative practice. Buddhist counselling students are held to high standards of knowledge of Buddhist teachings, counselling skills, ethics, self-introspection, and awareness. In particular, a significant portion of courses will focus on guiding students to apply Buddhist teachings in counselling. Using this training model, students will participate in group discussions, conduct role playing of counselling sessions, develop mindfulness practices, apply Buddhist counselling techniques in daily lives, and become involved in other experiential activities.
Introduction & Graduate Sharing
Why MBC in HKU?
The Features of the MBC – A Unique Programme Motivated by Compassion
A Programme Motivated by Compassion
The MBC programme is not a conventional psychology programme providing training in Buddhist-derived psychological interventions. Instead, it is a Buddhist Counselling programme based on core Buddhist teachings and practices as explicated in classical Buddhist scriptures. Students will receive training in delivering traditional Buddhist counselling as a holistic, structural, and transformative process of helping those in need. Motivated by compassion, the MBC is a distinctive training opportunity for students to gain insights into deeper issues of human suffering and develop skilful means to alleviate suffering in self and others.
First of Its Kind
In a dearth of Buddhist counselling services and the demand for professional services for individuals affiliated with Buddhism, the Buddhist Counselling programme is designed to train competent Buddhist counselling practitioners to provide ethical and compassionate services for individuals and communities in Hong Kong. In comparison to the Master of Buddhist Studies programme, MBC programme aims to put forth the theoretical studies of Buddhist teachings into practice by equipping students with pragmatic Buddhist teaching-based counselling skills and fostering spiritual transformation.
Reflective and Contemplative Learning
A strong emphasis of the programme is on spiritual, moral, and contemplative reflection and transformation because these endeavours can foster awareness, compassion and wisdom to face challenges in life, dissolve barriers that perpetuate ones suffering, and enhance one’s ability to connect with others. For these reasons, students are highly encouraged to find and develop their own spiritual direction, apply their learning in real life situations, and cultivate compassion for self and others.
Who can Apply?
The programme is intended for individuals with foundational knowledge in Buddhist Studies who would like to study how Buddhist counselling adds a new dimension to their daily work. The curriculum is designed to support a wide range of career paths, including healthcare professionals, helping professionals, educational professionals, officers from disciplinary forces, and any other persons who are interested in the study of Buddhist counselling for personal and professional enhancement.
Entrance Requirements
The basic qualification necessary for admission to the programme includes:
- Holding a good Bachelor’s degree from this University or an equivalent qualification from comparable institutions.
- Satisfactorily completed BSTC6079 Early Buddhism and BSTC6002 Mahayana Buddhism in the Master of Buddhist Studies programme at HKU, or courses in Buddhist studies offered by another comparable institution accepted for this purpose.
Applicants who do not fulfil (a) and/or (b) above may be invited to attend the Buddhist Studies Foundation Course (BSFC)* or take a qualifying examination. They will be considered for admission if they have satisfactory performance in the BSFC/qualifying examination.
*The BSFC is designed for selected MBC applicants who have not fulfilled the prerequisites in Buddhist Studies. The course aims to equip students with fundamental Buddhist knowledge to prepare them for the study of Buddhist counselling. Course details will be provided to selected applicants after initial short-listing.
Medium of Instruction
English Language Requirements
If the medium of instruction of your undergraduate or postgraduate degree is NOT English, English proficiency test is required:
Test | Minimum requirement |
TOEFL: Paper-based test (PBT) | Overall score of 550 or above; or |
TOEFL: Internet-based test (iBT) | Overall score of 80 or above; or |
IELTS | Overall band 6 with no subtest lower than 5.5 |
Note: The TOEFL or IELTS result should be obtained within the two years before the date of application. IELTS Indicator and TOEFL Special Home Edition are not accepted.
Mode of Study
Full-time: 1 year
Part-time: 2 years
Classes are mainly conducted on weekday evenings and weekends.
Duration and Study Load
Students are required to take 8 courses to complete the whole programme. Therefore, full-time students normally need to take 4 courses, and part-time students 2 courses, each semester.
Each core/elective course usually consists of three consecutive teaching hours per week. The number of teaching weeks in each semester varies, but normally there should be around 10-13 teaching weeks per semester.
What Courses are on Offer
Candidates will complete 8 courses including 3 core courses, 4 elective courses, and 1 course for capstone experience.
1. Core Courses
Theories and practice in Buddhist counselling I
Theories and practice in Buddhist counselling II
Spiritual formation through contemplative practices
2. Elective courses
Dharma therapy
Awareness training program
Being with the elderly, sick, and dying
Buddhist homiletics: the art of presenting Buddhist teachings
Buddhist liturgy and rituals
Buddhist mediation
Special topics in Buddhist counselling (2): Theories and practice in prevailing counselling
Group work in Buddhist and traditional counselling
3. Course for Capstone Experience
The capstone experience project is compulsory and can be conducted in the following forms:
(a) Contemplative learning in Buddhism;
(b) Autobiography paper guided by Buddhist teachings;
(c) Buddhist homiletics; or
(d) Buddhist counselling case study
Students from the MBC programme will be provided with options to select elective courses from the Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) programme. Teachers from the Master of Social Sciences (Counselling) programme may also serve as the co-supervisor in the Capstone Experience if the area of study is relevant. The selection of cross-listed courses and co-supervision of Capstone Experience should be subject to the approval of the Programme Director/Chairman of the two respective programmes.
(The course list above is subject to change.)
The course information for the current year is available HERE for your reference.
Our Teachers
Teachers for MBC 2024-25 are listed below:
Dr. George Lee
Dr. Bonnie Wu
Ven. Sik Hin Hung
Dr. Jennifer Yim
Ven. Dr. Sik Fa Ren
Ven. Dr. Sik Hin Yan
Dr. Amrita Nanda
Dr. Helena Yuen
Ms. Janet Lau
For the profile of individual teacher, please click HERE.
Course Fees
Course fee for 2025-26:
Full-time: HK$176,000 (Pay in 2 equal installments)
Part-time: HK$176,000 (Pay in 4 equal installments)
Financial Support
Scholarships are available for application. Please be reminded to submit scholarship application separately after you have submitted programme application. More information can be obtained HERE.
Closing date of scholarship application
February 28, 2025
(Late application will not be considered. Please make sure you have completed online application for admission before applying for scholarship.)
Continuing Education Fund (For local students ONLY)
This programme (CEF course code: 44M130212) has been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the Continuing Education Fund. More details are available at: http://www.wfsfaa.gov.hk/cef/index.htm.
Please read the information HERE carefully before you submit an application.
Applications for 2025-26 should be submitted online through the following links:
Supporting documents should be submitted online to the University’s document submission system as soon as possible after you have completed the online application. Please click HERE for more information on submission of supporting documents.
The Regulations and Syllabuses of the programme in 2024-25 can be found HERE for reference.
Referee Requirements
Applicants are required to nominate TWO referees. After the online application is submitted, referees will be separately invited by an automated email to complete an online referee survey normally within 2 weeks. Please note the following requirements:
(a) We shall accept E-reference from official institutional/company email addresses only. Referees with personal email addresses (e.g. gmail, 163.com, etc.) will not be considered.
(b) For current students and recent graduates from any academic programmes in the last 5 years (i.e. any degree conferred to the applicant on or after January 1, 2020, including any 2nd degree or postgraduate degree), at least one of the two referees has to come from the corresponding academic institute, with the use of the referee’s institutional email address.
(c) Please make sure that the referees’ information is accurately inputted into the University’s online application system. Any inaccurate information may cause email delivery failure and unavailable access to Faculty’s submission system.
(d) For those who have difficulty providing referees in institutional/company capacity, please write to the Centre and provide an explanation on why you are unable to provide valid referees’ survey reports as soon as possible via email at hkumbc@hku.hk
Course Commencement
September 2025
Closing Date of Application
February 28, 2025 (12:00 noon HKT)
Information Session for Admission
Date: December 14, 2024 (Sat)
Time: 2:00 – 4:00 pm
To be conducted via Zoom
The recording is available HERE.
Contact Us
Tel: (852) 3917-5075
Email: hkumbc@hku.hk
Address: Room 415, 4/F, The Jockey Club Tower, Centennial Campus, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong
Programme Sponsor

Click HERE for more information.
Programme Sponsor - The D. H. Chen Foundation
The D. H. Chen Foundation is a Hong Kong-based private philanthropic organization founded in 1970 by Dr. Chen Din-hwa, an ardent philanthropist and a devout Buddhist who also established Nan Fung Group. Over the past decades, the Foundation has been supporting numerous worthy community philanthropic initiatives in Hong Kong, Mainland China and other parts of the world to enrich lives.
To this day, Dr. Chen’s philanthropic vision continues to drive the Foundation’s work efforts. Aspiring to build a compassionate society, the Foundation has been endeavoring to steer innovative, impactful and sustainable initiatives to realize Dr. Chen’s philosophy “Care for others as well as you would care for yourself.”