HKU Centre of Buddhist Studies 20th Anniversary Series

Public Lecture

The Role of Buddhism in the Multi-religious space of Darjeeling 

Speaker: Prof. George Thadathil sdb

George thadathil sdb is an Independent Researcher doing archival work at US universities who has been in higher education in Darjeeling for three decades. He taught philosophy at Salesian College Sonada, did research on Sri Narayana Guru of South India at Madras University and has published on Nepali Language, Culture and Identity with CIIL Mysore and Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi. His latest work is Democracy in Darjeeling (2023). He has been part of the backwaters collective on metaphysics and politics an initiative backed by Cochin Biennale. He is a contributor to India and Civilizational Futures (2019), The INDIANS: Histories of a Civilization (2023) and other edited works besides the series editor of the Salesian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences in its 14th year. He is currently working on a book on Christian Education and Democracy in India due to be released by penprints kolkata, in january 2024. He has earlier collaborated with the HKIHSS and hosted an International Seminar in North East India on “The Religious Practices of the Himalayas” in May 2023.