Amrita Nanda, Honorary Lecturer
Honorary Lecturer

Amrita Nanda

Honorary Lecturer
BA (Kelaniya), MBuddhStud (HK), PhD (HK)

Tel: (852) 3917-5077
Address: Rm 409, 4/F, Jockey Club Tower Centennial Campus

Research Interests:

Historical Development of Indian Buddhism | Theravāda Buddhist Soteriological Developments | Pāli Commentarial Studies | Buddhist Canonical Languages

Courses Taught

BSTC2008 Sanskrit Language I
BSTC2020 Sanskrit Language II
BSTC3040 Sanskrit language III
BSTC3040 Sanskrit language IV
BSTC7008 Sanskrit I
BSTC7009 Sanskrit II
BSTC7606 Buddhist homiletics: The art of presenting Buddhist teachings (co-taught)
BSTC7607 Buddhist Rituals and Liturgy (co-taught)