The neurophysiological effect of repetitive religious chanting on the connectivity between brain regions and heart
Principle investigator (PI): Ven. Hin Hung
Co-PI: Dr. Gao Junling, Dr. Bonnie W.Y. Wu
Start date: 2021 Apr
Fund source: UGC fund (with the support of Mrs. Lee Fung Kung Wah (Mrs. Simon K.Y. Lee))
Stress is a prevailing condition in the current society, especially during an unprecedented pandemic. Religious chanting has been practiced in both East and West, for instance, chanting the name of Amitabha or mantra is broadly practiced. It is assumed that this kind of religious chanting can help practitioners to improve spiritual and mental wellbeing. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of religious chanting on stress reduction and psychological wellbeing, from a behavioral and neuroimaging perspective.
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